Pour a tall glass of moo juice, grab a freshly baked cookie, and dunk away today in observance of National Milk Day! Or you might try tapping out your name in a series of dots and dashes to celebrate the highly underrated Learn Your Name in Morse Code Day. At times, it seems like there’s a “holiday” for just about everything, some quirky, some serious, and some just plain fun. Talk about making the most of every day!

In our lives, there are a lot of events, appointments, and special occasions to manage. A calendar is an integral part of most people’s days as a preview of the future. And once all those dates have been crossed off, it also makes a meaningful record of our past.

Preview of the Future

Experts say that the best way to remember something is to write it down. Why? According to Psychology Today, putting pen to paper activates multiple brain regions that help you encode and eventually retrieve memories. It makes sense then to use a paper calendar when forgetting isn’t an option.

Dental appointment? Those teeth aren’t getting themselves to the hygienist.

Mom’s birthday? Write it down and circle it multiple times.

First date or wedding anniversary? Draw a little heart around the date to score extra points with your special someone.

Then there are upcoming events that almost make you giddy with joy, such as the concert of a lifetime, a long overdue vacation, or a milestone birthday party for a loved one. Research reported by The New York Times suggests that having something to look forward to boosts your mood and lowers your stress. Seeing future events laid out in an appointment calendar or a planner allows you to enjoy the anticipation of good things to come.

Record of the Past

When we flip the page on December, it’s fun to look back and reminisce about the happenings of the year. Some people even hold on to their calendars well past the pop of the cork on New Year’s Eve – over 40%, according to a MarketSights survey conducted for Koozie Group. Another 16% tear out the images or important information to save. That means calendars are not only great planning tools but also historical documentation of our past.

#7232 National Day – Stapled

So, if you want to remember when to celebrate Dance Like a Chicken Day (May 14), your best bet is to jot it in a calendar or grab the #7232 National Day – Stapled (or its spiral cousin #7032) for a year of making the most of every day. Looking for a different style? We can help with hundreds of different styles and themes to choose from. Just visit kooziegroup.com.

Pro Tip

Pro Tip: Looking for a fun Distributor Self Promo? Take the #7232 National Day – Stapled on sales calls with you and ask attendees their birth dates. Look up the observance for that day for a fun icebreaker, and use the calendars as a leave-behind thank-you gift. Visit the Distributor Reference Guide (must be logged in) at kooziegroup.com for special pricing details.

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